ACN: 603 157 473
Malu Mai Wellness Consultancy is embarking on a journey to establish a Wellness Place in Queensland, Australia on approximately 5 acres of land. Within this 5 acres, there will be a Wellness Retreat, a Traditional Knowledge Institute, and a Culturally safe space for Community. We are building a Food Forest and an organic community garden where we will grow vegetables, herbs, fruit trees, bush medicines and traditional food crops. Our cafe / community kitchen will provide guests with organic food grown in our garden.
The establishment of a Wellness Place and Traditional Knowledge Institute has been my vision since commencing grassroots work as a social worker & Grief & Loss Counsellor in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community over 20 years ago. In addition, working at the coalface in the criminal justice system along with my PhD research with former incarcerated First Nations People have instilled in me a passion for change. This passion for change has compelled me to work towards creating healing initiatives in which to address the social, emotional, cultural, spiritual and psychological health and wellbeing of my People.
Working one on one with First Nations Families and seeing firsthand the social, emotional, and psychological ill-health amongst my people was deeply heartbreaking and opened my eyes about what needed to be done to truly bring healing, wholeness and wellness back into the community.
My vision is to establish a culturally safe place and to create a community where all the Rainbow coloured People of the World can come together in a spirit of Peace, Love, Respect, Acceptance and Harmony. In light of global violence, hatred and terrorism, it is my firm belief that the good people of the World need to rise up and promote goodness and peace to counteract the evil that exits in society. Therefore a place such as this is much needed for all humanity and in fact, we need these places all over the World; a haven for those who wish to embrace peace, kindness, love and goodness. My vision is to create a place where we can gather together as members of the human family with a spirit of Kindness and Respect for one another and for Mother Earth.
In order to fulfill this vision, Malu Mai cannot do this alone, we call on the Power of the People to make it happen. We need the support of like-minded people to come and volunteer your time to help us build this place and be a part of this Global Peace Movement.
Life time membership will be $160 for employed people and $80 for those who are pensioners, students or unemployed. Membership will entitle people to a concessional price for meals and accommodation and for participation at the our community events and initiatives.
For Full membership contributions & Concessional membership contributions, see below;
Bank Name: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB Number: 064-138
Account Number 1063 2400
"A Dream that you dream alone is just a dream
"A Dream that you dream alone is just a dream
A dream that you dream together becomes reality"
A dream that you dream together becomes reality"
(John Lennon)
(John Lennon)
I also believe in the concept from the movie Field of Dreams
I also believe in the concept from the movie Field of Dreams
"If you build it, they will come"
"If you build it, they will come"
We will hold the World First Nations Traditional Knowledge
Conference at our Wellness Place see below video of previous
conferences held by Malu Mai wellness Consultancy in Brisbane.
We will hold the World First Nations Traditional Knowledge
Conference at our Wellness Place see below video of previous
conferences held by Malu Mai wellness Consultancy in Brisbane.

Dr Noritta Morseu-Diop, Indigenous Therapist / Senior Social Worker / Managing Director, Malu Mai Wellness Consultancy Pty. Ltd.
Biography: Dr Noritta Morseu-Diop is a First Nations Australian woman originally from Tamwoy Town, Thursday Island in North Queensland. Her ancestral heritage extends from mainland Australia to the Kulkalgal Nation to the Erubam Le and Ugaram Le and to the Dauareb Clan of the Meriam Nation. She graduated from the School of Social Work and Social Policy in 1992 at the University of Queensland, St. Lucia Campus.
Since that time Noritta has worked extensively in the grassroots Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and within non-Indigenous communities throughout the state of Queensland. The areas of her work include: grief & loss, bereavement counselling and support, criminal justice, prison rehabilitation, mental health, community development, cross-cultural education, social work and welfare education and training, drug and alcohol counselling, Indigenous health and human rights and social justice advocacy.
Noritta was awarded a PhD in Criminal Justice and Social Work at the University of Queensland in the School of Social Work and Human Services, St. Lucia Campus on the 22nd of July, 2010. She is a recipient of the UQ 2010 Dean’s Commendation for Outstanding Research and Higher Degree PhD thesis. In October, 2018, Noritta received the University of Queensland Alumni Award for Indigenous Community Impact. Noritta is also a 2011 Winston Churchill Fellow and a 2006 Australian Federation of University Women Fellow. She is a Co-Founder and current Board of Director of Gallang Place, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Counselling Services based in Brisbane. Noritta is the Founder and current Managing Director of Malu Mai Wellness Consultancy; a family owned company that is committed to addressing the social, emotional, cultural and spiritual well-being of individuals, families and communities on a local, national and international level. Noritta currently works as a Senior Lecturer at the Australian College of Applied Psychology in Sydney.
For information about Noritta's Winston Churchill Report please visit:-
To hear Noritta's interview on ABC National Radio please visit:-
With much Love and Respect,
With much Love and Respect,
I thank you all from my heart
I thank you all from my heart