ACN: 603 157 473
Proudly presents
2019 World First Nations
Traditional Knowledge
2019 World First Nations
Traditional Knowledge
(Say it Loud, Say it Clear, We were Always Here!!)
Date: 21st, 22nd, 23rd
August, 2019
Conference Venue:
Samford Lakes
1387 Mount Samson Road,
(between Hills Road and Wynn Road)
Mount Samson,

The World First Nations Traditional Knowledge Conference is centred on these key
themes as outlined;
The World First Nations Traditional Knowledge Conference is centred on these key
themes as outlined;
1. LORE: Traditional Lore and Customary Practices; this session will include dialogue around the importance of maintaining our Lores and Customary Practices for the betterment of our First Nations Communities here and around the World.
2. KNOWLEDGE: First Nations Knowledge and Ways of Being; this session will involve the collective sharing of First Nations Knowledge and Ways of Being, our epistemology, how do we know what we know? It will incorporate the wisdom handed down from our Ancestors.
3. CULTURE: Making meaning of our Cultural Stories, Songs, Languages and Dances; this session will explore our cultural stories, songs shared through language and dance.
4. MEDICINE & HEALING: Traditional Medicines & Ways of Healing; this session will explore Traditional ways of Healing and through ancient Knowledge & Wisdom from our Elders and Ancestors.
5. SPIRIT: Wellness Pathways for our Spiritual, Social, Emotional & Psychological Health and Wellbeing; this session will encompass the core components for health and wellness utilising Traditional Knowledge Systems.
6. LAW: Cultural Ways of Knowing & Cultural Ways of Doing in Law & Justice; discussions and dialogue in this session will examine core components of Traditional Knowledge & Traditional Ways of Doing to address issues surrounding Law and Justice.
7. ENVIRONMENT: Dialogue in this session will encompass ways in which to care for Mother Earth and Country, looking at our old ways. Discussions will involved the current local, national and global situation in light of climate change and its impact on our Lands, Water, Rivers, Waterways, Islands and Oceans.

This year 2019 marks the 5th World First Nations Traditional Knowledge Conference. Here are scenes from our previous conferences, showcasing all of the beautiful people that have presented at the conference and have been involved in putting this conference together and making this a wonderful time of caring and sharing of our Traditional Knowledge as First Nations Peoples of the World.

Our Deadly Performers and Workshop Facilitators
Our Deadly Performers and Workshop Facilitators
Malu Mai Wellness Consultancy proudly present our Deadly Musician, Storyteller, Songwriter; Goodooga born, Nhunggabarra, Kooma, Muruwari Musician, Songwriter, Storyteller - Glenn Skuthorpe... Glenn will be performing and running workshops at the Conference.
We are proud to announce that X FACTOR DIVA AND SOUL MAMA ROCHELLE PITT WATSON will be performing for us at the World First Nations Traditional Knowledge Conference 2019
Cost: $450... (Full Price)
Early Bird: $350... ( Early Bird Registration and payment must be received by 31st July, 2019)
(Dinner & Entertainment complimentary for Conference delegates paying for 3 days conference only)
Conference Dinner & Entertainment: $80 per person
(Please note: This price is only for those wishing to attend the dinner and entertainment only)
Who should attend:
Scholars, Educators, Researchers, Elders, Community Members, Counsellors, Social Scientists, Cross-Cultural Educators, Social Workers, Community Development Workers, Human Service Workers, Health Workers, Traditional Healers, Holistic Practitioners and Natural Therapists
Registration will be accepted and confirmed upon Payment via Bank Transfer to:
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB: 064-138
ACCOUNT NO: 1063 2400
FOR CREDIT CARD PAYMENT VIA PAYPAL ~~~ PAY HERE [There are 6 payment options, choose one]
FOR CREDIT CARD PAYMENT VIA PAYPAL ~~~ PAY HERE [There are 6 payment options, choose one]
1. Please click on the 'Buy Now' button below for Full Conference Registration & Payment
2. Please click here for 2 DAYS attendance Registration Payment
3. Please click here for 1 DAY attendance Registration Payment
4. For those attending the Conference Dinner ONLY ~ Please click here for payment
5. Students Fee click here - (Note: Students must provide their Student ID via email to: malumaiconsultancy@gmail.com
6. Elders & Conference Presenters Fee click here
Special Guest Presenter - Adrian Burragubba is a prominent Aboriginal rights activist and cultural worker.
Biography: Burragubba is from the Babinburra Clan, part of the Wîîrdi speaking people from Wangan and Jagalingou Country in Central Queensland, Australia.
He has been in a lifelong struggle for social justice for Aboriginal people. He challenges the norm, seeking answers to Aboriginal people’s experience in a period of anxious social upheaval and persistent injustices.
Burragubba’s concept of justice is indeed stirring and radical on all levels. His vision is of liberating his people through Culture – reflecting Wangan and Jagalingou law and custom, and traditional knowledge, through visual art, song, dance, and ceremony – and using this to re-inspire and re-empower his Society.
Culture and traditional knowledge are at the core of Burragubba's contemporary political activism, and for the past five years he has put everything into taking a stand against the Adani conglomerate that wants to mine and destroy Wangan and Jagalingou Country. He is working through the Wangan and Jagalingou family council to challenge the Native Title process – which continues to minimise Aboriginal rights, deny original tribal sovereignty, and dispossess First Nations peoples of their connection to country – and to challenge the Crown’s claim to sovereignty over our sacred sites and lands and waters.
Special Guest Speaker - our Deadly Brother Stewart James - Inspirational Public Speaker, Diploma in Family Intake and Social Support Worker. Up and coming Indigenous Leader within the UAICC (Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress).
I was in prison and you came to visit me … I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:36, 40)
Biography: Stewart James is a Badtjala man on Mothers side and Cooma on his Father’s side. Born in Cherbourg, raised in Brisbane. Stewart is the eldest and only brother of five. From grassroots level, surviving domestic violence to committing offenses that resulted in him serving over 20 years incarceration.
Stewart’s life changing moment of finding God amongst the darkness has been on a journey of continuous healing and salvation for over 10 years. Now Stewart shares his testimony of hope and inspiration for not only brothers inside but for true rehabilitation and reconciliation for his people.
In the words of Joyce Myers “I’m not there yet, but I’m not where I use to

Special Guest Speaker: Waina Pene, Social Work Practitioner, Aotearoa/New Zealand
Biography: Introducing Waina
Ko Kahuranaki taku Maunga
Ko Tukituki taku Awa
Ko Takitimu taku waka
Ko Ngati Kahungunu taku Iwi
Ko Houngarea taku marae
No Pakipaki ahau engari kei Heretaunga i noho ana inaianei
Ko Waina Pene ahau
Waina Pene is Tangata Whenua, a descendant of Ngati Rangi and Ngati Kahungunu to Aotearoa. She has three children in whom she adores and have been her greatest teachers.
As the daughter of Ngati Rangi, from the mountain of Koro Ruapehu, she began, out of the depths of Koro Ruapehu her rise and fall as waters of Whangaehu joining the mountains to the sea.
To the coastal origins of Ngati Kahungunu, daughter of the same devine waters traversing out of the belly of Papatuanuku our earth mother and ancient one. Arrive at the gateway of the fertile Heretaunga plains. It is under the hills of Pekapeka you will find her residing in the place she calls home.
Under the mantel of Kahuranaki with the mandering flow of the Tukituki river to greet the awaiting arms of Tangaroa, the sea.
Waina has close to 20yrs working as a social work practitioner. Central to her role as a Social worker her passion as a healer gained strength and connection through the guidance of spiritual elements.
Having witnessed first hand the struggles and conflicts of her people enforced through colonization and its transfer from generation to generation, Waina has more recently focused on her teaching of a new generation of social workers.
The focus of Waina’s teaching methodology is in her peoples connection to wairua, their spirituality and connection to genealogy that embeds their land and life force as a living breathing entity. It is here in this life journey that Waina draws from spiritual elements simultaneously together in enhancing her students own individual life experience in allowing them to become practitioners in the field.
Special Guest Speaker -Maureen Mopio, Journalist / Reporter 4EB, Brisbane, Queensland.
Biography: Maureen Mopio is from the Faila Tribe, Mekeo, Papua New Guinea, Her totem on her mum side is the uvala (crocodile) and the aipa (centipede) and from her father side her totem is the keve shell. She is 57 years of age and worked as a television, radio journalist and reporter with the print media since graduating in l982 with a Communication Arts Degree from Madang’s Divine Word University in Papua New Guinea. She later graduated from the Queensland University of Technology with a Post Graduate Degree in Media Studies in August 1988.
Maureen Mopio is a voice for the unheard on Brisbane’s Multicultural Community Radio Station 4EB FM 98.1
Maureen joined the ethnic radio station in 2011 and has been a panellist and presenter of Women's Profile for 7 years. In 2012, she recruited Natalie Garioud as a panelist and they have been a team ever since. Women’s Profile first went to air in 1985 and the programme is the longest running Brisbane Radio program which is specifically a platform for women’s issues presented and produced by women to highlight the achievements and challenges facing women in the local and global community.
Since Maureen joined as a Presenter, the team has gone on to win two Women’s Programme of the Year with the NEMBC in 2013 and 2014. Currently the Women’s Profile team is made up of presenters from New Caledonia, France, Greece and Papua New Guinea.
Maureen is well recognised as someone who looks to promote the benefits of multiculturalism through inviting onto her programme a variety of guests from different nationalities and backgrounds who all have enriching, motivational and empowering stories to tell.
In contrast to Western ideas around individuality, Pacific Islanders see their identities as defined by their relationships with other people and their land. Being a Pacific Islander, Maureen knows “what to do and how to do it”, and is acknowledged for her ability to make guests feel welcome, respected and included through her nurturing nature.
The style of Women’s Profile has been one of well researched presented topics on social issues such as domestic violence; gender based violence; health issues such as the prevelance of diabetes amongst Pacific Islanders living in Queensland; political issues such as how the mining unrest in Bougainville has affected local women; climate change and its affect on Australian Indigenous communities and Pacific Islanders; exploring how migrants from Manus Island in PNG are living and working in Brisbane and contrasting that to the
negative media perceptions of Manus as purely an asylum detention centre, Maureen has been a strong advocate for gender and ethnic diversity in the workplace and has covered the topic of gender pay disparity.
Women’s Profile has a global reach and presented stories form the Pacific Islands to Eastern European countries and has listeners all around the world who tune in weekly on its streaming service. The programme actively interacts with government service providers and provides both educational information relevant to its audience as well as providing forum for its listeners to air their experiences. For example Maureen, as a roving reporter interviewed elderly citizens to better understand how aged care affects them and the effects of Government new age care policies and what it means to everyday senior citizens in the community. In adition the programme also gives women an avenue to air their views and opinions on Women’s Profile as guest speakers through their live presentations or through phone interviews and provides opportunities for people to express their feedback on topical issues through vox pops.
Maureen and Natalie’s choice of editorial content blended with music from around the world gives opportunity to those who would otherwise not have heard music in their own country or heard music in their own mother tongue on Radio 4EB. The community based forum gives them an alternative avenue to hear music they relate to and feel at home with which is rarely played if not on main stream media or mainstream radio for that matter. Worked as communications officer with the South Pacific Commission in New Caledonia which covers all 22 Pacific Islands from 1994-95. Coordinated he Pacific Islander representation of 600 women to the United Nations Conference in Beijing Women in 1995. Last but not least, Maureen is a mother of 2 daughters and enjoys playing and watching basketball.

Special Guest Speaker, Gayle Munn: Community Elder, Board of Director, Gallang Place, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Counselling Services.
Biography: Gayle Munn is a Gunggari woman from South East Queensland. She was born on Mandandanji land, her father’s country. She nourishes her soul by returning to country as often as she can.
Gayle has a degree in Acupuncture and a Diploma in Life Coaching, specialising in emotional, social and spiritual intelligence. Her training, counselling and mental health qualifications have led her on to work in an array of fields but with the same vision - the healing and advancement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Calling herself a pacifist and a subtle activist, she completed training as a Peace Ambassador and uses peace practices and principles in a cultural context as part of her Healing from Lateral Violence trainings and workshops.
Gayle has a wealth of experience gained from her community involvement in a variety of roles over several decades include: Social Justice Group Member Murri Court Sitting Member, Advisory Committee Member - Lifeline Advisory Committee, Women’s, Children and Youth Healing Camp Co-ordinator and Facilitator, Cultural Education, Cultural Capability Training, Training and Assessment in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Education, Mental Health and Governance through Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander College for Health Education and Training, Gold Coast TAFE and Bremer TAFE. She has worked within the prison system and has delivered both accredited and non accredited training within the prison system and the Youth Detention Centre.
Gayle has presented Papers on Healing from Lateral Violence at State, National and International Conferences including Our Keys to Healing - The Queensland Centre for Domestic and Family Violence Research Conference, Closing the Prison Gap and Healing our Spirits Worldwide 8th Gathering.
Special Guest Speaker, Reverend Alexandra Gater (Aunty Alex), Brisbane Elder | Founder Aboriginal Walkabout Ministry
Biography: Aunty Alex is a wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother, she is a Wangan Jagalingou woman from the Alpha Clermont Area in Central Queensland and the KoaClan from Winton from her Mother and her Mother’s father’s country is Kukkaimiji from Edward River, North Queensland. Aunty Alex’s grandfather on her father’s side was from Ireland and Scotland. She was born in Brisbane and raised in Cherbourg. Aunty Alex has 9 Children, 33 Grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren.
In 2005 she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for her tireless work in human rights advocacy for her people in the prison system and in the grassroots Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. She is one of six women from Australia nominated from 1,000 women worldwide nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Aunty Alex was also nominated for the Australian of the Year Award in 2005 and received the South East Queensland NAIDOC Distinguished Services Award also in 2005. In 1997, Aunty Alex was ordained as a Deacon, and then she was ordained as a Priest in 2003 and became the first Aboriginal Woman in Queensland to be ordained as a Priest in the Anglican Church. Aunty Alex received distinguished Community Awards for her tireless grassroots work in the community, one of these awards came from the Department of Corrective Services.
She currently works on a local, National and International level as an advocate for social justice and human rights. For 23 years Aunty Alex has been working as a Chaplain in the Prisons around Brisbane, offering spiritual and cultural support to men and women in custody. Aunty Alex has supported many women, whose lives have been changed for the better. Many of these women suffer great disadvantage with problems such as domestic violence, poverty, desertion, and single parenting. She has also supported those mothers who have had their children removed from them by the Department of Child Safety. Her work with women spearheaded the establishment of her organisation called ‘Aboriginal Women for Change’, empowering women to take up the challenge, to take ownership of their lives, show leadership in gaining recognition, respect and equality for all women.

Special Guest Presenter: Stellamaris Njoku, Bachelor of Biochemistry, Master fo Social Work. Social Worker & Graduate, Australian College of Applied Psychology, Sydney
Biography: Hi, my name is Stellamaris Njoku. I hail from the Igbo Tribe in eastern part of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I lived in Nigeria until December 2016 when I moved to Sydney for further studies. I have a well versatile educational background rooted in pure sciences and social sciences. I have a Bachelor degree in Biochemistry, a Master degree in Public Health and recently a Master degree in Social Work.
My work experiences have been in community service, program coordination, support coordination, public health, customer care, public relations and banking. I was the program coordinator of various welfare, rehabilitation and healthcare programs during my time with St Vincent De Paul Society, Lagos.
I am currently working in the community services sector, helping people living with disabilities realise their potential and setting them on their way to achieving great things. I have been opportuned to work with people of all ages, some of whom have challenging behaviours. The best thing I have learnt in my current job is that, with adequate support ‘every individual’ has potentials and can make progress and contributions towards their goals and aspirations.
One thing is common in all my work experiences which is that I am a huge people-person and I love to serve. I equally enjoy learning new things, so feel free to share a story with me.
I am thrilled to be a part of this conference and share my stories.

Special Guest Presenter: Namadji Ngambri Mingku aka Shane Mortimer BCouns (Coaching)
Biography: Namadji Ngambri Mingku aka Shane Mortimer is a Namadji Nation Ngambri man, and Allodial Title holder of the land also known as Canberra. He graduated from the Australian College of Applied Psychology with a Bachelor of Counselling and over the years has worked extensively to provide counselling and support to many vulnerable people from all walks of life.
In 2016 Shane Mortimer (Mingku) created an international legal precedent when he was awarded an interlocutory injunction to stop the transfer of land title in the ACT based on his assertion of Allodial Title.
Mingku’s allodial origins are in the Namadji Nation Ngambri Country. The name Canberra derives from Ngambri. Shane has worked in international management in the corporate world in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, New Bremen/Ohio and Chicago/Ilinois as well as Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong.
After leaving international management, he produced radio commercials in Sydney, Hong Kong and Los Angeles. Then he worked as a publicist and producer of theatrical productions in Sydney.
Over 20 years ago fate brought Shane back to his allodial home, Canberra, to reside. He is passionate about his ancestral connections to Ngambri country since the beginning of time.

Special Guest Presenter Tidjane Diop [TJ] Sociologist / Youth Worker, Basketballer Indigenous All Stars and Gold Coast Rollers
Biography: His ancestral heritage through his Mother's lineage extends from mainland Australia to the Kulkalgal Nation to the Erubam Le and Ugaram Le and to the Dauareb Clan of the Meriam Nation. His ancestral heritage through his Father's lineage extends to the Wolof Nation of Senegal in West Africa.
TJ Diop graduated with a Bachelor of Sociology at Seattle University in the United States of America.
TJ has been an ambassador for change, his work is about promoting excellence, pride, commitment and integrity in the community and he utilises basketball as the catalyst to empower young Australians to complete their primary, secondary and tertiary education. He is the Captain of the Indigenous Men’s Australian Basketball Team.
He assist disadvantaged young Australians achieve success and reach their full potential. his skills and passion include but are not limited to leadership, Indigenous advancement, social justice, change, public speaking, group facilitation, Indigenous mentoring, cross cultural communication and cultural capability. TJ has held several leadership positions, all of which has given him the platform and confidence to mentor other young people to achieve their goals.
He is a respected member of the international basketball community, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and African diaspora. He leads by example by providing encouragement and support to his teammates, colleagues and family members.
He was recently recognised for his contributions in a leadership to the Gold Coast Rollers,
Mackay Meteors and the Men’s Indigenous Australian basketball team as a Captain and Vice-Captain, where he led teams to win championships in the Australian Basketball Association and the Trans-Tasman Series between Australia and New Zealand.
His skills as a professional athlete is to be disciplined, organised, team focused, motivated, task orientated all of which he brings to his grassroots work in the community
Basketball Highlights
Australian Indigenous Basketball National Team player (2014 – 2018)
Gold Coast Rollers Queensland Basketball League player/ Coaches Award
Mackay Meteors Queensland Basketball League player
Mackay Meteors Premiership Team (2016)
United States NCAA Division One Collegiate athlete
MVP Mackay Meteors QBL/ Coaches Award
Four times Trans-Tasman Champions Australia versus New Zealand Trans-Tasman Series
Named in the National Association of Basketball Coaches Honours Court (2013)
Seattle University Athletic Scholarship Recipient (2011-13)
Lamar College Athletic Scholarship Recipient (2009-11)

Special Guest Presenter Rochelle Pitt Watson, Singer / Song Writer and Nurse / Care Coordinator, Kidney Health Australia Ambassador.
Biography: Rochelle Pitt has always loved music. She recalls beginning her musical journey at a young age, performing in the churches and choirs of Far North Queensland.
Growing up, she fondly remembers learning most of her vocal skills from listening to her Aunties and Uncles singing the old gospel hymns and realising very early the power of music and voice. It wasn’t until the age of 23 however that Rochelle went on to start singing professionally while on break from Nursing Studies.
During this time, she released her first EP, “Black to Reality”, a body of work full of uplifting and inspirational songs for her first nation people. The EP went on to feature what would become an anthem for indigenous and non indigenous women alike.
The track ‘Too Deadly My Sister’ still gets significant play on indigenous community radio to this day! Being a professional Singer/Songwriter and Nurse has not only helped to shape Rochelle’s life path, but also her mission to make a statement about the strength, beauty and love we all have within us. Her vocal tone and ability emits power and conviction that can stop a crowd in it’s tracks and give goose bumps to all who listen to her god given gift. After taking an extended break from pursing music, Rochelle decided to start performing again and auditioned for Australian Indigenous Choir ‘Austranesia’, which was started by the Gondwana choir founder. During this time, she released another original track, ‘Motha Ailan’ about Darnley Island in the Torres Straits.
It was in 2014 however that Pitt found a national audience after catapulting herself into the lounge rooms of Australia when she auditioned for hit series, The X Factor Australia. Little was Rochelle to know the significant impact she would make on the audiences of Australia, or the transformation that would take place within her own life as a result of her time on the series. It was during the X Factor journey that Rochelle went from being an everyday Nurse and Mother, to becoming Australia’s very own Soul Mumma. As the competition progressed, so did Rochelle’s confidence as a performer where week after week, she went on to blow judges and audiences alike away with powerful and energetic performances of tracks by artists such as, ‘Aretha, Tina Tuner, Rebecca Ferguson, Adele and popular groups ‘Gossip and The Rolling Stones’. Pitt would go on to place 8th overall in the 2014 season.
Post X Factor, the journey has only gone from strength to strength for this Cairns based performer. Corporate events & festivals followed suit and in 2015 Rochelle was named Ambassador for Kidney Health Australia, a cause close to both her nursing profession and heart. 2015 also saw the release of Pitt’s first commercial single, “Good Thing Coming”, and in 2016 she will head into the studio to begin production on her highly anticipated new album due for release later in the year.
In addition to plans of a new music release, Rochelle will be making a number of special appearances around the country and plans are well underway for a live show experience, coming soon! If there is one thing for certain, it’s that music is and always will be part this Songstresses life. Age is no barrier nowadays, so there is no stopping Soul Mumma Rochelle from pursing her destiny.
Rochelle will be sharing her story about her career in health as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurse in North Queensland and Kidney Health Ambassador, Australia. She will highlight some of the serious health issues impacting on our People at a grassroots level.

Special Guest Presenter Judith Kelly, Canberra - storyteller, actor, poet, songwriter, singer.
Biography: Judith Kelly is a Stolen Generation Yamatji woman from WA. She is a storyteller, actor, poet, songwriter, singer. Judith is also an activist for true justice and change for Stolen Generations and First Nations Peoples and advocates for reform in the areas of juvenile justice, education, housing and depopulating the prison system that holds a lot of Aboriginal men women and children. Also of interest to her are Treaty talks, reparation for stolen wages and stolen children, self government and self determination.
During her community work and working life, Judith worked on Rottnest Island as a housemaid and cook, produced a radio program at WARDA News through SW ABC radio, attended West Australia Academy for Performing Arts (WAAPA) and was also employed by Aboriginal Theatre YIRRI YAAKIN with an on road theatre production in two WA regions. Judith now resides in Canberra since 2008 when she arrived for the Apology.

Special Guest Presenter Elders Panel: Aunty Rayleen Burns, Social Worker / Community Elder
Biography: Aunty Rayleen Burns was born in Brisbane and is a second generation stolen generation. Her mum was raised in the Cherbourg Girls Dormitory and lived in the Dormitory until she was 14 years of age and then she went to work as a domestic servant for a policeman in Hebel, near Dirranbandi, Southwest Queensland. Her mother met her dad there and they later married in Brisbane.
Aunty Rayleen is the youngest of 10 kids, 5 sisters and 4 brothers, she has heaps of nieces and nephews. Moved to Brisbane when she was 11, left school at grade 7 to start working in the Northgate Cannery and sewing clothes. She worked for 10 years in the factories. She moved to Mt Isa for work at the Coles Store, and was there for 2 years. She then came back to Brisbane and met her husband, she has four children and is a grandmother to nine grannies and 3 great grans, the youngest is one. She did the usual housewife things, raising her kids and doing part-time work here and there.
She went to kangaroo Point TAFE in 1982 and 1983 and completed a Diploma in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Welfare. She got a job with Centrelink in Human Resources, she was there for 9 years and 9 months and during that period she started her Degree in Social Work, studying part-time and graduating in 1992 with a Bachelor of Social Work at the University of Queensland, Faculty of Social Work and Social Policy.
After graduating from University of Queensland, she commenced work as at social worker in Aboriginal and Islander community Health Service in Hubert Street in Woolloongabba for 3 years and she then moved to Tennant Creek and worked in Aboriginal Health and then in Mental Health in Queensland Health in Cairns in the Child and Youth Mental Health Services in Cairns.
From there she moved to Aboriginal Health service in Port Hedlands in WA. And she worked for the Royal Flying doctors services in Hopevale Aboriginal Community in North Queensland and from there she moved to Aboriginal Community Health in the Katherine NT and then from there to Alice Springs to the Central Australia, Aboriginal Congress Alcohol and Drug Program and a short period at the Aboriginal and Islander Institute of Indigenous Health (IUIH) in Morayfield and since then is retired. Her Social Work Degree allowed her to travel the country and work in obscure and interesting places. Furthermore, her work in Social Work has enabled her to travel to the World Indigenous Healing Our Spirit Conference on three occasions in Albuquerque USA, and Edmonton in Canada and in Hawaii. She also visited Tahiti and Thursday Island in the Torres Strait to learn about Torres Strait Islander culture.
Aunty Rayleen was a Board Member of Gallang Place, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Counselling Services and she was also a Board Member of Winnam Housing Co-op, and on the Board of the National Stolen Generation Alliance. In her retirement, she is still travelling, she has just come back from Winton and Longreach, she comes home for a bit and then she’s off again to Uluru in June. She is a quiet achiever and her life’s work has been in the areas of Social and Emotional Well-being in the grassroots Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. A large majority of her work has been with Traditional People in the Remote Communities across Australia. This has been her passion. Although retired, she is still actively involved in this work; addressing the social and emotional well-being in the community. Click on thegummbigummbicottage@hotmail.com

Special Guest Speaker: Mrs Noeleen Lopes | CEO Gallang Place, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Counselling Services, Brisbane
Biography: Noeleen is a Ghungalu woman, born and raised in Brisbane. She graduated from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Social Work Degree in 1991 and is a registered Accredited Mental Health Social Worker. Noeleen is a Core Founder and current Chief Executive Officer of Gallang Place Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation established in 1994. As CEO of Gallang Place, Noeleen has been instrumental in spearheading workable and achievable strategies to ‘Closing the Gap’ around the many symptoms of unresolved intergenerational grief and trauma impacting on the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in today’s evolving society. Gallang Place is a trauma informed organization and accredited under the (Quality Improvement Council) QIC Standards.
Noeleen is a trained mediator with the Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre in Brisbane and is the Founder of the Ghungalu Aboriginal Corporation which is involved in Native Title issues. Noeleen recently won a federal government scholarship for governance training which includes membership to the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Noeleen is a former Board Member of the Southern Queensland Regional Parole Board from 2001 – 2013 and she is a current Director of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Healing Foundation.

Malu Mai Wellness Consultancy is proud to present our Special Guest Speaker for the World First Nations Traditional Knowledge Conference, Basketball Legend, Leroy Loggins Foundation.
Biography: Leroy Loggins, The Legend was born on the 20th December 1957 in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, and grew up in the toughest of neighbourhoods in Baltimore, Maryland, where drugs and murder were everyday things.
A 195 cm guard/ forward Loggins is a retired professional basketball player who played in the National Basketball League from 1981 until 2001.
In 1981 Leroy Loggins joined the Brisbane Bullets for his first NBL season helping the team to their second straight NBL Semi-final. He signed to play for the West Adelaide Bearcats in the 1982. Following the 1983 season, Leroy returned to the Brisbane Bullets where he would play for the remainder of his career.
1990 would see Leroy named as captain of the Bullets. He would continue to captain the Bullets until his retirement following the 2000–01 NBL season. Leroy represented the Australian team in the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona
Leroy eventually retired after 21 seasons in the NBL despite still being an integral part of the Bullets line-up at 43 years of age. The number 30 jersey worn by Loggins throughout his career was retired by the Bullets in his honour. Leroy Loggins was inducted into the Australian Basketball Hall of Fame in 2006 and has been immortalised with a statue located at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre.
After retirement, Leroy established the Leroy Loggins Foundation in 2002 to provide opportunities for sporting development and social interaction for youth at risk.
The main objective of the Leroy Loggins Foundation & now the Community Organisation is to develop a solution at a local level to issues identified through consultation with key community groups, schools and support organisations that impact on children throughout Brisbane and the surrounding areas.
The key driver to the Organisation’s development is the personal desire of Leroy Loggins. Growing up, Leroy experienced first-hand many of the social issues affecting disadvantaged groups and the lack of opportunities for support to develop sporting and social skills and school based competencies. Using sport as a means to complete education and also as a basis for employment opportunities, Leroy is able to be a practical role model for local children as he can relate to them based on his own experiences.

Special Guest Presenter: Iris Silva Brito, Lecturer, Australian College of Applied Psychology, School of Social Work, Sydney, Australia.
Biography: Hi, I am Iris Silva Brito. I was born in Brazil. I have a native African and Portuguese heritage. My native African relatives lived the horrors of colonization and the slavery period in Brazil in the late 19th Century. In fact, my grandmother from my father’s side was born in a slave compound, and my father worked as a slave in the early 20th century.
I am the eldest daughter of a family of 6 children. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. I grew up in Bahia- Brazil. Now, I am an Australian citizen and very happy living in this magnificent land.
I have a great interest in education, social policy, community work, public administration, and sciences. I have worked extensively in the public, private and non-government sectors as a Social Worker.
Over the last two years, I have been involved in the education of the next generation of social workers with Noritta Morseu-Diop at the Australian College of Applied Psychology- Discipline of Social Work. My search for and appreciation of knowledge comes from my parents who have dedicated their lives to the education of children living in economic poverty in the northeast of Brazil.
I am currently part of the board of governance of two inspiring organizations - Live and Learn Environmental Education and ATEC. These organizations draw my passion for working towards sustainability, social justice and human rights around the world.
I will see you at the conference. Then, I will share with you a little more of my life story. See you there.

Special Guest Speaker: Dr Vanessa Lee | Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney
Biography: Dr Vanessa Lee is a First Nations woman from Far North Queensland and the descendant of the Wik and Meriam Nations.
Dr Vanessa Lee is a Senior Lecturer within the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Sydney. She has recently been awarded her Doctorate in Medicine from Griffith University in Brisbane, Queensland.
As the first national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander vice president of the Public Health Association of Australia, Vanessa is instrumental in ensuring that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing and doing are placed in the forefront of policy development.
All of the research and advocacy that Vanessa is involved in are directed towards the overarching goal of improving the efficacy and linkages of services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Special Guest Speaker; Mr Stephen Corporal BSoc Wk, BA (Psych), Prof Cert IR, MSocPol, Senior Lecturer / PhD Candidate Griffith University, Justice of the Peace (Qual).
Biography: Stephen is an Eastern Arrente man with close family connections to many other First Nations People. He was born in Townsville and lives in Southeast Queensland. He was involved in counselling and welfare work in the Brisbane Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community for many years before completing his Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) degrees at the University of Queensland in 2003.
As President of the Social Work Student Association (SWSA) he was announced the 2003 SBS Valedictorian for his work with Social Work students at the University of Queensland. In 2004-2005, he was the Indigenous Postgraduate Representative for James Cook University's Postgraduate Student Association and the IPLO on CAPA. Stephen was President of the Social Work Alumini at UQ from 2006-2007. He completed a Masters of Social Policy at James Cook University.
Stephen worked as the Senior Student Support Officer at the UQ Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit from 2005 to 2009 and also as the Indigenous Recruitment Manager at the University of Queensland School of Medicine until 2011. He is currently working at Griffith University where he is involved in researching, lecturing and supervising students. Stephen is a PhD Candidate; his PhD research topic is titled" Indigenous health workforce building: University Indigenous students and lecturers' interactions"

Dr Noritta Morseu-Diop, Managing Director, Malu Mai Wellness Consultancy Pty. Ltd.
Author: Healing in Justice: Giving a Voice to the Silent and Forgotten People 2017
Biography: Dr Noritta Morseu-Diop is a First Nations Australian woman originally from Tamwoy Town, Thursday Island in North Queensland. Her ancestral heritage extends from mainland Australia to the Kulkalgal Nation to the Erubam Le and Ugaram Le and to the Dauareb Clan of the Meriam Nation.
She graduated from the School of Social Work and Social Policy in 1992 at the University of Queensland, St. Lucia Campus.
Since that time Noritta has worked extensively in the grassroots Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and within non-Indigenous communities throughout the state of Queensland. The areas of her work include: grief & loss, bereavement counselling and support, criminal justice, prison rehabilitation, mental health, community development, cross-cultural education, social work and welfare education and training, drug and alcohol counselling, Indigenous health and human rights and social justice advocacy.
Noritta was awarded a PhD in Criminal Justice and Social Work at the University of Queensland in the School of Social Work and Human Services, St. Lucia Campus on the 22nd of July, 2010. She is a recipient of the UQ 2010 Dean’s Commendation for Outstanding Research and Higher Degree PhD thesis. In October, 2018, Noritta was awarded the University of Queensland Alumni Award for Indigenous Community Impact. She is also a 2011 Winston Churchill Fellow and a 2006 Australian Federation of University Women Fellow. She is a Co-Founder and current Board of Director of Gallang Place, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Counselling Services based in Brisbane. Noritta is the Founder and current Managing Director of Malu Mai Wellness Consultancy; a family owned company that is committed to addressing the social, emotional, cultural and spiritual well-being of individuals, families and communities on a local, national and international level.
Abstract: Post-Colonialism - The Myth
In 1770 Captain Cook landed on the shores of Possession Island in the Torres Strait and claimed the East Coast of Australia for King George III. In 1788, Governor Phillips arrived on the First Fleet and landed in Botany Bay. Hence the so-called settlement of the land they named Australia began. The discussion in this session will be centred around the myth called post-colonialism. For us, there is no such thing as we are still being colonised, I will discussed the ongoing colonialist regime and its impact on our social, emotional, cultural, spiritual and environmental health and wellbeing and where to from here.